
Brass Quintet 长号

Quatuor 长号

Trombone Jazz Quartet 长号

courtois japon Trombone Ensemble 长号

thomson Principal Bass Trombone with the Queensland Symphony Orchestra 长号

abissi Stiletto Brass Quintet / Trombone 长号

abraham Professional trombonist 长号

alliance French brass quintet 长号

amer Young Performing Artist 长号

anderson Professor of Trombone University of Nebraska-Lincoln 长号

anderson Professor of Trombone Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati,... 长号

arboleda Bass Trombone with the Medellín Philharmonic Orchestra & Professor at... 长号

austin Principal Trombone Metropolitan Opera 长号

beavers International Soloist 长号 endorser

becquet Professor at CNSM in Lyon 长号

biot sanchis Professeur de trombone au Conservatoire Camille Saint Saëns et... 长号

bogaert Professeur à l'Ecole Supérieure de Musique et de Danse de Lille 长号

bogaert International Soloist 长号

braghiroli Professor at the "G.B. Martini" Conservatory of Bologna 长号

brezinsky International Solist 长号

callaux International soloist 长号

capdepont Professeur au CRR de Bayonne et au Conservatoire de Dax 长号

cha Trombonist of Bucheon Phillharmonic Orchestra and Virtuoso Trombone... 长号

corredor 长号

da rocha Bass trombone at Porto Alegre Symphony Orchestra 长号

davis Associate Professor of Music Hart School of Music 长号

de jager Professor of trombone and pedagogy for brass at Conservatorium van... 长号

debès Solo bass Trombone at the Philharmonic Orchestra of Luxembourg 长号

dobbins Director of Bands, WAshington and Lee University, 长号

dubrov Maniacal 4 Quartet 长号

evrard Solo Trombone of l'Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège 长号

fisher Assistant Principal Trombone Lyric Opera of Chicago 长号

garcia Bass trombone soloist with the OBC Barcelona Symphony Orchestra and... 长号

garfitt Trombonist of the German Radio Philharmonic Orchestra 长号

garzia Principal Trombone with Sinfonieorchester Basel 长号

gil ferrer Professor at the Conservatorio Municipal José Iturbi de Valencia 长号

gyivicsán Professor at University of Szeged 长号

hampson International soloist, teacher & artistic consultant 长号

harris Freelance Trombonist 长号

hughey Brass Coordinator for Brass for Africa - Freelance Instructor 长号

jeans International Trombone Soloist, Clinician & Educator. Ambassador... 长号

jous International soloist 长号

kim Bass Trombone of the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra & assistant... 长号

krimperis Principal Trombonist NSO & Professor at Athens Conservatory 长号

laborde Swing Bones 长号

lachurie Professeur aux conservatoires de Toulouse et de Carcassonne 长号

lapierre Solo trombone of the Opéra of Rouen/Haute Normandie 长号

lassalle Trombone teacher at the Toulouse Conservatoire National de Région 长号

laufer Maniacal 4 Quartet 长号

león rodríguez Trombone professor and international soloist 长号

lepape Teatro Regio Torino, Pentabrass Quintet et Quartetto Italiano di... 长号

lorthios Directeur de l'école de musique et de l’harmonie municipale de... 长号

lundgren Maniacal 4 Quartet 长号

marcellus International trombone soloist, educator 长号

mark Professor of Trombone, Delta State University 长号

marsalis Freelance jazz trombonist 长号

martin Professor of Trombone, University of Montreal, McGill University 长号

martínez Freelance Trombonist 长号 endorser

mauger Trombone Professor HEMU of Lausanne site of Fribourg 长号

mazzocchi Professor of Trombone at John J. Cali School of Music 长号

mcfalls Trombonist, Improviser, Composer & Educator 长号

medrano Professor of Trombone, Universidad Autonoma de Mexico / Trombonist at... 长号

millischer Professor of Trombone at the Hochschule für Musik Freiburg (Freiburg... 长号

moeller Principal Trombone, Lyric Opera of Chicago 长号

molla Principal Trombone with the Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra 长号

morales-matos Associate Professor of Trombone & Euphonium Miami of Ohio University 长号

moutier Professeur de trombone au CRR de Strasbourg, trombone solo à... 长号

navrez Trombone solo de l’orchestre National de Lille, Professeur du... 长号

paratore Primo Trombone at Teatro Massimo "Vincenzo Bellini" 长号

parra Professor of Trombone & Trombonist in BonAires Brass Quintet 长号

pinho Trombone and Chamber Music teacher at Conservatório de Música de... 长号

queva Professeur à l'école nationale de musique et de danse de St Omer 长号

raffard Solo trombone of the Paris National Opera Orchestra 长号

reith Solo trombone of Paris Orchestra 长号

rejano cantero Principal Trombone at LA Philharmonic 长号

rodríguez Trombón Bajo de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Chile (OSCH) 长号

rosini Trombone Professor at Turin “G. Verdi” State Conservatory 长号

ruilin 签名艺术家 长号

sanchez Trombón principal de la orquesta de la Universidad Nacional de San... 长号

schneebeli Bass Trombone, Buenos-Aires Philharmonic Opera Orchestra 长号

schwalm Bass Trombone, Lyric Opera of Chicago 长号

siler Professor of Trombone - Eastern Kentucky University 长号

sincek Profesor at MA in Zagreb and solo trombone at Zagreb Philharmonic 长号

sprott Trombonist, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra 长号

techer Swing Bones 长号

templeton Principal Trombone of the London Philharmonic Orchestra and Professor... 长号

tsui Artist associate of Hong Kong Festival Wind Orchestra 长号

urani Bass Trombonist with the Cordoba Symphony Orchestra & Trombone... 长号

vaisse Broadway Trombone performer 长号 endorser

van rijen Principal trombone at Concertgebouw Royal Orchestra in Amsterdam 长号

villers 长号

volders Rotterdam Philharmonic 长号

warny Houston Ballet Orchestra - 2nd Trombone 长号

yang 签名艺术家 长号

zheng Signed artist 长号

zion Principal Trombone - Naples Philharmonic 长号

俊宏 くらしき作陽大学大学院准教授 长号 endorser

刘 长号

哲朗 Sun Bones Trombone Trio メンバー... 长号

圭滋 ヴィヴィッド・ブラス・トーキョウ... 长号

太美男 マイスターブラス・アンサンブル奏者 长号

岳志 トワイライト・トロンボーンカルテット メンバー... 长号

徹哉 Sun Bones Trombone Trio メンバー... 长号

昇 元東京交響楽団首席奏者 长号

昭彦 元京都市交響楽団奏者... 长号

毅 日本センチュリー交響楽団奏者 长号
浩之 ザ・カレッジ・オペラハウス管弦楽団トロンボーン奏者,... 长号

真弓 南西ドイツ放送交響楽団首席奏者... 长号

紗和子 Sun Bones Trombone Trio メンバー, クルトワ・ジャポン... 长号

裕一 ブラスアンサンブル・ブリオン メンバー... 长号 endorser

赵 长号