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岡村 哲朗 / Tetsuro Okamura

Sun Bones Trombone Trio メンバー ザ・カレッジ・オペラハウス管弦楽団奏者 専門学校ESPエンタテインメント大阪非常勤講師

大阪音楽大学卒業。卒業年に同大学卒業演奏会、第26回 ヤマハ新人演奏会(東京・大阪)、第80回 読売新人演奏会に出演。
第4回関西トロンボーン協会主催コンクールにおいて第2位(1位なし)、第12回松方ホール音楽賞奨励賞、第14回松方ホール音楽賞を受賞。英国にてDFDSシーウェイズ主催ヨーロッパ国際ブラスバンドコンテストにおいてベストソリスト賞、年SCABAエンターテイメントコンテストにおいてベストソリスト賞、SCABAブラスバンドコンテストにおいてベストプレイヤー賞を受賞。これまでにトロンボーンを呉信一、岡本哲、デニス・ウィック、 サイモン・カーウェンに師事する。現在、Sun Bones Trombone Trio メンバー。ザ・カレッジ・オペラハウス管弦楽団トロンボーン奏者。専門学校ESPエンタテインメント大阪非常勤講師。

[使用楽器:〈アントワンヌ・クルトワ〉AC440BR Legend]

Tetsuro Okamura studied trombone at the Osaka College of Music with Shinich Go (ex-principal trombonist with the Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra) and Tetsu Okamoto (principal trombonist with the Kyoto Symphony Orchestra).
 He graduated in 2009 as valedictorians of his class and gained a great deal of experience during this period performing as a freelance musician with professional orchestras in Japan. Tetsuro gave his first solo recital in 2008 and performed the “Fantasy for Trombone and Orchestra” by Paul Creston with The College Opera House Orchestra as a soloist in 2009. He won the highest award at the 4th Trombone Competition of the Kansai Trombone Association in 2007 and was placed at the 14th Matsukata Hall Music Award in 2010.
Since moving to London in 2010, Tetsuro has won a range of awards while performing with Regent Brass, including the “Best Soloist” prizes at the Southern Counties Brass Band Association Entertainment and Autumn contests and at the DFDS Seaways Open Brass Band Contest at Dover 2012. As part of the latter award, Tetsuro obtained a recording contract sponsored by DFDS Seaways. During his time in London, Tetsuro has studied under Denis Wick (ex-principal trombone at London Symphony Orchestra) and Simon Cowen (principal trombone at the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra).
After moving back to Japan, Tetsuro joined The College Opera House Orchestra in 2016. Tetsuro is currently trombone tutor at ESP College of Entertainment Osaka.

Legend AC440BR
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